If you own your own company and travel for business, you may wonder whether you can deduct the costs of having your spouse accompany you on trips....
Did you give to charity in 2021? Make sure you have substantiation-
If you donated to charity last year, letters from the charities may have appeared in your mailbox recently acknowledging the donations. But what...
Important tax aspects of operating your business as a sole proprietor
If you’re in business for yourself as a sole proprietor, or you’re planning to start a business, you need to know about the tax aspects of your...
The Ins and Outs of IRAs
Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs have been around for decades and the rules surrounding them have changed many times. What hasn’t changed is that they...
Keeping meticulous records is the key to tax deductions and painless IRS audits
If you operate a business, or you’re starting a new one, you know you need to keep records of your income and expenses. Specifically, you should...
Smooth sailing: Tips to speed processing and avoid hassles this tax season
The IRS began accepting 2021 individual tax returns on January 24. If you haven’t prepared yet for tax season, here are three quick tips to help...
Entrepreneurs and taxes: How expenses are claimed on tax returns
While some businesses have closed since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, many new ventures have launched. Entrepreneurs have cited a number of...
Numerous tax limits affecting businesses have increased for 2022
Many tax limits that affect businesses are annually indexed for inflation, and a number of them have increased for 2022. Here’s a rundown of those...
Help safeguard your personal information by filing your 2021 tax return early
The IRS announced it is opening the 2021 individual income tax return filing season on January 24. (Business returns are already being accepted.)...
How will revised tax limits affect your 2022 taxes?
While Congress didn’t pass the Build Back Better Act in 2021, there are still tax changes that may affect your tax situation for this year. That’s...
Businesses with employees who receive tips may be eligible for a tax credit
If you’re an employer with a business where tipping is customary for providing food and beverages, you may qualify for a federal tax credit...
Are you eligible for a medical expense tax deduction?
You may pay out a bundle in out-of-pocket medical costs each year. But can you deduct them on your tax return? It’s possible but not easy. Medical...
Defer tax with a like-kind exchange
Do you want to sell commercial or investment real estate that has appreciated significantly? One way to defer a tax bill on the gain is with a...
Gig workers should understand their tax obligations
The number of people engaged in the “gig” or sharing economy has grown in recent years. In an August 2021 survey, the Pew Research Center found that...
Will the standard business mileage rate go up in 2022? Yes!
After two years of no increases, the optional standard mileage rate used to calculate the deductible cost of operating an automobile for business...

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